An integrated approach to understanding the characteristics that contribute to effective end-user computing training in SMEs

Chi Wai CHUNG, Alan LAM, Albert LEUNG

Research output: Book Chapters | Papers in Conference ProceedingsConference paper (refereed)Researchpeer-review


The availability of powerful, low-cost information technology, coupled with better and more user-friendly computer software, allow small businesses to implement a computer-based information system in their business activities. However, the process of computerisation in the small business environment is often difficult because of inadequate effective end-user computing ( EUC ) training. In this study, a thorough review of the literature of training and other related research is conducted, and a conceptual model for EUC training in the context of small and medium-sized enterprises ( SMEs ) is built. The model incorporates all of the important factors that affect EUC training outcomes in terms of training reaction, learning, and training transfer. These influential factors include independent variables, such as individual characteristics and organisational factors, and dependent variables, such as motivation to learn and motivation to transfer. The main feature of this model is that the technology acceptance model is used to explain the relationship between training reaction and motivation to learn and transfer, and thus training reaction is treated as a primary training outcome, instead of merely an intervening variable. Furthermore, EUC training is considered in an organisational. context to reflect the important role that is played by organisational factors. Overall, the model provides new insights into EUC training research in the context of SMEs, and lays a foundation for more in-depth research to determine the influences of variable factors on EUC training outcomes.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication中小企业集群与技术创新 : 第七届西湖国际中小企业大会论文集 = SMEs Clusters and Innovation
PublisherChina Science and Technology Press
Number of pages15
ISBN (Print)9787504643612
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2006

Bibliographical note

Paper presented at the 7th West Lake International Conference on Small and Medium Business, Oct 16-17, 2005, Hangzhou, China. ISBN of the source publication: 9787504643612


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