Analytical model for CO2 geo-sequestration in deep saline aquifers considering the effect of heterogeneity and matrix-fracture interaction

Kaixuan QIU, Jia LI, Shiming WEI

Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review

5 Citations (Scopus)


Deep saline aquifers are considered to be the best storage option for long-term CO2 geo-sequestration because such geological formation has the largest identified storage potential that can securely trap CO2 under its low-permeability caprock layers. Many analytical models have been proposed to rapidly detect the CO2 leakage from the storage aquifers. However, the heterogeneity and matrix-fracture interaction of storage layers have not been taken into consideration in previous studies. In this paper, we develop an analytical model to determine the dimensionless leakage rate and pressure build-up due to CO2 leakage from the heterogeneous, dual-porosity and multi-layer bounded storage aquifer. Based on the model description and assumptions, the analytical solution is obtained by means of dimensionless transformation, Laplace transform and numerical inversion. Afterwards, our model is verified by comparing with existing analytical model. In order to determine the effect of heterogeneity and the matrix-fracture interaction on the dimensionless leakage rate and pressure change, we conducted sensitivity analysis taking account of the heterogeneous factors. Based on the obtained results, increasing layer number and layer thickness from the bottom layer to the upper layer will delay the CO2 leakage. Furthermore, each layer in storage aquifer with greater fluid mobility is not conductive to CO2 storage but the overall effect is not obvious. As for the matrix-fracture fluid transfer processes, when the ratio of the matrix permeability to the fracture permeability is small, the fast flow of CO2 through the fracture system without significant storage in the matrix. Obviously, the resistance along the leakage path is decreasing with the decrease of the caprock thickness, which leads to greater leakage between the two aquifers. The derived analytical solutions considering heterogeneity and dual media is practical and helpful for CO2 geo-sequestration site selection and storage risk assessment.
Original languageEnglish
Article number205114
JournalGas Science and Engineering
Early online date12 Sept 2023
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2023
Externally publishedYes


This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 72140008) and Basic Research Project from Jiangmen Science and Technology Bureau, Guangdong Province, China (Grant Nos. 2220002000356).


  • Analytical model
  • CO2 leakage
  • Deep saline aquifer
  • Heterogeneity
  • Matrix-fracture interaction


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