Brain drain or brain gain : a growing trend of Chinese international students returning home for development

Ka Ho MOK, Youliang ZHANG, Wei BAO

Research output: Other Conference ContributionsPosterpeer-review


International education and international student mobility are becoming increasingly popular in the era of globalization, which has triggered discussions on brain drain, brain gain, and brain circulation. In view of the growing complexity closely related to how international politics affecting international learning and student mobility, there is a reverse trend of Chinese international students choosing to return to China in recent years against the worsening relations between China and some major powers in the West. This paper sets out against the broader political economy context to examine the intentions of Chinese high-level talents graduating from major universities overseas to return to mainland China to pursue their career development. More specifically, this paper examines the high-level talents’ overall feelings about China and foreign countries from their perspectives. Special attention is given to high-level talents’ preferred institutions and provinces or regions for their career development.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 18 Jun 2022
EventHong Kong Scholars Annual Symposium 2022 = 香江學者計劃週年學術交流會 2022 - Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Duration: 18 Jun 202218 Jun 2022


SymposiumHong Kong Scholars Annual Symposium 2022 = 香江學者計劃週年學術交流會 2022
Country/TerritoryHong Kong
Internet address


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