Building a Green Jobs Economy: Global Implications Emerging from the UK Experience

Douglas RENWICK, Wardah QURESHI, Bradley R BARNES

Research output: Book Chapters | Papers in Conference ProceedingsConference (Extended Abstracts)peer-review


Comprehending relationships between the contextual effects of government roles vis-à-vis the climate crisis and what they mean for human resource management (HRM) research and practice matters, as 40% of global employment relies on a sustainable environment (Baldry and Hyman, 2021, p.86), and International Labour Organisation (ILO) data shows 1.2 billion jobs depending on nature (Lieuw-Kie-Song, 2021). Here, citizens tend to look to governments as having agency to act on an appropriate scale to reduce carbon emissions (CAST, 2021, p.2). Government action is therefore needed to limit carbon emissions, reduce human deaths arising, combat global climate injustice, and promote social equity for affected groups (Lazzarini, 2021, p.1). Ergo, some experts call for a decent job and a healthy environment to become human rights (Baldry and Hyman, 2021, p.89). The UK political agenda is shaping green job creation, aiming for eco-friendly employment. The country, along with New Zealand, passed legislation requiring net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 (Bushell-Embling, 2020, p.4; GOV.UK, 2020). However, the UK green jobs plan, initially proposed by leader Johnson, faces challenges like marginalized union and employee voices, implementation issues, and a private equity focus.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2024 AIB Asia Pacific Regional Conference Proceedings
Place of PublicationHong Kong
PublisherThe Hang Seng University of Hong Kong
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2024
Event2024 Academy of International Business Asia Pacific Regional Conference: “Re-imagine International Business: Accelerate Growth through Collaboration and Digital Transformation” - Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangdong, China
Duration: 4 Dec 20246 Dec 2024


Conference2024 Academy of International Business Asia Pacific Regional Conference: “Re-imagine International Business: Accelerate Growth through Collaboration and Digital Transformation”


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