Changing university-industry-government networks in knowledge transfer : A comparative analysis of Shenzhen and Hong Kong

Yuyang KANG, Jin JIANG, Andrea ABBAS

Research output: Other Conference ContributionsConference Paper (other)Other Conference Paperpeer-review


Over the past decades, the development of knowledge-based and innovation-led economy drives increasing attention to higher education institutions. The Triple Helix Model of relations between university–industry–government provides a general framework for systematically examining these complex dynamics of innovation in relation to the institutional networks among these agents. This study adopts a comparative analysis of two neighboring cities in southern China—Hong Kong and Shenzhen to examine how and to what extent the Triple Helix of university-industry-government network integrates to enhance the synergy in promoting knowledge transfer. The findings of this study suggest that the network is not uniform in two neighboring cities of the same country, instead its changing dynamics depend on different developments and differentiated intuitional context. The changing differentiation and integrations of university, industry and government could enhance synergy of innovation, in particular, knowledge transfer, so that to create competitive advantages in the knowledge economy.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 26 Mar 2019
Event Centre for Research in Education in China and East Asia launch event: Asian-European Dialogues - University of Bath, United Kingdom
Duration: 26 Mar 201926 Mar 2019


Symposium Centre for Research in Education in China and East Asia launch event
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • innovation
  • knowledge transfer
  • Triple Helix Model
  • university-industry-government network
  • knowledge economy

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