Chinese Theories of Literary Creation : a Historical and Critical Introduction

Research output: Scholarly Books | Reports | Literary WorksBook (Author)peer-review


This supplement to volume 20 of Prism is the first installment of a four-part project, with roughly concurrent publication in Chinese and English. The works in this project, which include Chinese monographs by Prism's editor Zong-qi Cai, cover Chinese theories of literature, literary creation, interpretation, and aesthetic judgment.

This supplement, specifically, covers topics that include the inadequate presence of China's literary theory and literary creation in English-language scholarship; an analytical and analytical-reconstructive approach to Six Dynasties comprehensive theories that pieces together isolated comments made by multiple authors over different times into a "theoretic collage;" the philosophical foundations laid by pre-Qin and Han-Wei thinkers for the subsequent rise of literary creation; the burgeoning impact of Buddhist thought on the theory of artistic creation; and a reflection on and comparison of the distinctive features of major Chinese theories of literary creation to their Western counterparts.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherDuke University Press
Number of pages252
Volume20 (S1)
ISBN (Print)9781478026990
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2023

Publication series

NameA PRISM Monograph
NamePrism: Theory and Modern Chinese Literature
PublisherDuke University Press
ISSN (Print)2578-3491
ISSN (Electronic)2578-3505

Bibliographical note

Monograph supplements to Prism: Theory and Modern Chinese Literature


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