Comparative Literature in Hong Kong

Eugene Chen EOYANG

Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review


In reporting on the situation vis-à-vis Comparative Literature in Hong Kong, I need to allude to René Wellek’s 1983 essay, “The Name and Nature of Comparative Literature.” I think it fair to say that the name of “Comparative Literature” is moribund if not well-nigh dead in Hong Kong, but the “nature” of Comparative Literature remains as vital and as flourishing as ever.

Let me first deal with the name. The Hong Kong Comparative Literature Association died in the 1980s. Its last president, Professor P. K. Leung, then a professor in the Comparative Literature program at Hong Kong University, now a Chair Professor of Comparative Literature at Lingnan University, is an active and productive poet, teacher, and cultural studies scholar, who recently completed a Fulbright Fellowship in Germany. In Hong Kong, there was (and is) only one Comparative Literature department, and that was (and is) at Hong Kong University—although comparatists were to be found in the Chinese University of Hong Kong as well. In the course of the past twenty-five years, the legacy that was left by such luminaries and stalwarts as Anthony Tatlow ( HKU , 1965–1996), John Deeney ( CUHK , 1977– 1997), Yuan Hehhsiang ( CUHK , 1974–1998), Chou Yinghsiung ( HKU , 1979–1985; CUHK , 1985–1994; HKU , 1991–1994), and Yu Kwangchung ( CUHK , 1974–1985) has taken many forms and assumed many guises. They have not, however, materialized in a single Comparative Literature department of distinction, although distinguished comparatists dot the landscape in Hong Kong.

The decline of Hong Kong University’s Comparative Literature department stemmed from a combination of moral turpitude, administrative ineptness, and academic pusillanimity. Some individuals were asked to leave; some fled in disgust; some were reassigned. In the interest of discretion, I will detail only those who fled HKU ; they include: P. K. Leung, a distinguished poet and scholar; Gregory Lee, a renowned scholar of Chinese modernism, and an expert on the Chinese translations of French poetry by Dai Wangshu; Anne Mette Hjort, formerly of McGill and Aalborg University in Denmark, who has contributed studies of Danish Cinema as well as a monograph on the Hong Kong director, Stanley Kwan. Given the diminution of Comparative Literature at Hong Kong University over the years, it is perhaps ironic as well as symbolic that the most influential work produced by the Hong Kong University Comparative Literature faculty in the last generation was Ackbar Abbas’s Hong Kong: Culture and the Politics of Disappearance (1997)
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)8-11
JournalThe Comparatist
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2008


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