Competence Drives Interest or Vice Versa? An Investigation on the Bidirectional Relationships between Self-Efficacy and Intrinsic Motivation in Shaping Employee Creativity

Tingting CHEN, Tae-Yeol KIM, Yaping GONG, Yongyi LIANG

Research output: Other contributionOther outputsResearch


What drives creativity in the workplace? Researchers have long debated the impact of two key factors: creative self-efficacy (believing you can be creative) and intrinsic motivation for creativity (wanting to be creative). But which comes first, or do they influence each other reciprocally?

Understanding the interrelationship between these factors isn’t just academic—it has real-world implications. Not every employee starts out highly confident or deeply motivated about being creative. Knowing which factor influences the other more can help managers make smarter decisions about hiring and how to encourage employee creativity.
Original languageEnglish
Media of outputBlog post
PublisherDurham University
Publication statusPublished - 4 Jul 2024

Publication series

NameManagement Studies Insights Blog
PublisherJournal of Management Studies, Durham Business School, Durham University


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