Computer-assisted memory retention

Alfred LOO, C. W. CHUNG, Alan LAM

Research output: Book Chapters | Papers in Conference ProceedingsConference paper (refereed)Research


This paper presents a computer system which can enhance student’s abilities to transfer information from their short term memory to long term memory. We also discuss the design and results of our experiment with the computer system.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Asian Conference on Literature and Librarianship 2015, Osaka , Japan
Subtitle of host publicationOfficial conference proceedings
Place of PublicationSakae
PublisherThe International Academic Forum (IAFOR)
Number of pages7
ISBN (Electronic)2186-2281
Publication statusPublished - 2015
EventThe Fifth Asian Conference on Literature & Librarianship: Power - Osaka International Conference Center, Osaka, Japan
Duration: 2 Apr 20155 Apr 2015


ConferenceThe Fifth Asian Conference on Literature & Librarianship
Abbreviated titleLibrAsia2015
OtherThe Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities (ACAH) > ACAH2015ACAH2015Conference Theme: “Power”April 2–5, 2015 | Osaka International Conference Center, Osaka, JapanThe Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities 2015 (ACAH2015) was held alongside The Asian Conference on Literature & Librarianship 2015 (LibrAsia2015) in the culturally rich Kansai region of Japan, home to the modern metropolis of Osaka/Kobe and the historical capitals of Nara and Kyoto. It was in these wonderful surroundings that we welcomed more than 350 attendees from more than 40 countries to an event promising to stimulate personal and professional research collaborations around the conference theme for this year, “Power”. That promise was fulfilled in a diverse and truly interdisciplinary IAFOR gathering. Power remains one of the most contested, debated, omnipresent yet ungraspable of concepts. While the fact of power remains constant, changes in political, social, economic and cultural conditions require us as scholars to periodically take stock of, analyse and trace the workings and origins of power. Our 350 delegates grasped the opportunity to explore and discuss this theme with great passion within the disciplinary orbits of Arts, Humanities, Literature and Librarianship and the forthcoming conference proceedings will certainly bear this passion and energy for outstanding research and deliberation out.LibrAsia annually hosts the award ceremony for the IAFOR Vladimir Devidé Haiku Award. This year the winner was named as Boris Nazansky of Croatia by Keynote Speaker Dr A Robert Lee. IAFOR was also thrilled to welcome Emiko Miyashita and Hana Fujimoto of the Haiku International Association back to LibrAsia to run their popular Haiku Workshop, during which participants were invited to write their own poems and listen to some of the most famous examples of the poetry form.It was an honour to play host to award-winning Osaka-based Akutagawa Senior High School Drum Club whose performance was an exemplary illustration of the “Power” theme, and was a highlight of the conference. IAFOR values the local cultural community and our delegates’ experience of it, so we go to every length to reflect this in our rich and varied programme of events.
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