Critical reading and writing in the digital age : an introductory coursebook


Research output: Scholarly Books | Reports | Literary WorksBook (Author)peer-review

8 Citations (Scopus)


Critical Reading and Writing in the Digital Age is a fully introductory, interactive textbook that explores the power relations at work in and behind the texts we encounter in our everyday lives. Using examples from numerous genres – such as fiction, poetry, advertisements and newspapers – this textbook examines the language choices a writer must make in structuring texts, representing the world and positioning the reader. Assuming no prior knowledge of linguistics, Critical Reading and Writing in the Digital Age offers guidance on how to read texts critically and how to develop effective writing skills.

Extensively updated, key features of the second edition include: - a radically revised and repackaged section that highlights the theme of discourses of power and authority and the new possibilities for resisting them; - a revamped analysis of the art of communication which has changed due to the advent of new media including Facebook and Wikipedia; - fresh examples, exercises and case studies including fan fiction, articles from the BBC, Daily Mail and South China Morning Post, and a selection of international ads for a variety of products; - a brand new companion website at featuring projects, quizzes and activities for each chapter, a glossary and further reading.

Written by two experienced teachers, Critical Reading and Writing in the Digital Age is an ideal coursebook for students of English language.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationOxon
Number of pages350
ISBN (Electronic)9781315616728
ISBN (Print)9780415842617, 9780415842624
Publication statusPublished - 2016


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