Dean's corner : lessons on assurance of learning from a liberal arts focused business program

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Student learning is central to all institutions of higher learning, and affirmation that graduates can achieve established learning expectations should be a key component of any high-quality academic program. As the AACSB Assurance of Learning (AoL) Standards identify, learning goals can be established in a wide variety of ways, and due to the differences in mission, faculty expectations, student body composition, and other miscellaneous factors, schools can vary greatly in how they demonstrate their goals.

Such variability is important, particularly for the Asia region, which serves as home for numerous business schools whose mission or core assumptions differ at the institutional level through their emphasis on research, liberal arts, or even teaching.
Original languageEnglish
JournaleNEWSLINE Asia : Management Education News from AACSB International, Asia Edition
Issue numberNov
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2011


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