Effective Partnering with Competitors in China: Guanxi and Conflict Management

Research output: Other Conference ContributionsConference Paper (other)Other Conference Paperpeer-review


Recent studies have documented that competitors can collaborate effectively for themselves and for their customers but there is a need for a framework to understand the conditions that facilitate this collaboration. Findings from 100 pairs of competitors support theorizing that guanxi, defined as close and high quality relationships, can contribute to effective collaboration in inter-organizational relationships in China. However, findings challenge traditional theorizing about guanxi by documenting that it contributes to collaboration by reducing the competitive approach to managing conflicts. The structural equation analysis support the reasoning that guanxi reduces a competitive approach to conflict that in turn results in partnership effectiveness.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages18
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2009
Event2009 AIB Southeast Asia Regional Conference : Revitalizing the Global Economy: Challenges and Strategies for Sustainable Growth - Hong Kong SkyCity Marriott Hotel, Lantau Island, Hong Kong
Duration: 3 Dec 20095 Dec 2009


Conference2009 AIB Southeast Asia Regional Conference : Revitalizing the Global Economy: Challenges and Strategies for Sustainable Growth
Country/TerritoryHong Kong
CityLantau Island


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