Employees’ Perception of Leadership Styles and Successful Aging in the Workplace

Yue Lok CHEUNG, Anise WU, Dannii YEUNG

Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review

7 Citations (Scopus)


The relationship between employees’ perceptions of their supervisor’s leadership styles and their self-rated successful aging in the workplace (i.e., adaptability and health, positive relationship, occupational growth, personal security, continued focus, and achievement of goals) was examined in this study. A total of 350 Chinese aging workers in Hong Kong (average age in years was 51.9, SD = 5.2) were recruited. In line with our hypothesis, regression result showed that perceived transformational leadership was positively related to all successful aging in the workplace dimensions. Perceived transactional leadership was significantly related to occupational growth. Finally, perceived laissez-faire leadership was negatively related to all successful aging in the workplace dimensions. Implications and recommendation for organizations, including strategies to facilitate successful aging in the workplace, were discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)610-624
Number of pages15
JournalJournal of Career Development
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2018


  • leadership styles
  • successful aging


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