Engaging Student Learning of Professional Subjects through Interactive E-Learning Platforms

Agnes W.Y. LO (Presenter)

Research output: Other Conference ContributionsPresentation


Accounting courses usually require students to apply various professional standards or laws and regulations to calculate and prepare business statements, namely tax computation, financial statement, and financial budget analysis, etc. Due to an increasing amount and complexity of professional standards and regulations, instructors face time constraints between lecturing adequate coverage of professional standards and promoting quality student engagement in learning. Besides, it shall be vital for instructors to provide timely feedback to students to guide their learning progress; however, it may be challenging to be achieved under traditional face-to-face classroom teaching. To solve these problems, I pilot technology-enhanced learning in my taxation course. After analyzing student-learning characteristics, new e-learning activities via an online platform, Typeform, were developed and embedded throughout the course delivery. These new e-learning activities aim to engage student participation during classes, facilitate student learning inside and outside the classroom, and enhance student learning through tailor-made assessments and individual feedback in different stages. The effectiveness of these technology-enhanced activities was evaluated by a survey study and interviews. Findings of the survey show that majority of the students agree that the e-learning platform helps them better prepare for classes and increases study efficiency. They agree that the e-learning platform is easy to use and mobile compatible and is helpful in classroom participation, completing assignments, and learning new concepts.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2 Jun 2022
EventCommunity of Practice Symposium of Education Innovation and Technology 2022 - Zoom, Hong Kong
Duration: 2 Jun 20222 Jun 2022
https://www.cpr.cuhk.edu.hk/en/event/community-of-practice-symposium-of-education-innovation-and-technology-2022/ (Event details)


ConferenceCommunity of Practice Symposium of Education Innovation and Technology 2022
Abbreviated titleCoP 2022
Country/TerritoryHong Kong
Internet address


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