Evaluating Public Management Reforms: Principles and Practice

George A. BOYNE, Catherine FARRELL, Jennifer LAW, Martin POWELL, Richard M. WALKER

Research output: Scholarly Books | Reports | Literary WorksBook (Author)peer-review


Governments across the world are pursuing reform in an effort to improve public services. But have these reforms actually led to improvements in services? Evaluating Public Management Reforms develops a framework for a theory-based evaluation of reforms, and then uses this framework to assess the impact of new arrangements for public service delivery in the UK.
This book identifies the conceptual and practical problems of finding clear criteria for evaluating reforms and focuses on the shifts in public management towards markets and competition, towards the publication of performance indicators, and from larger to smaller organizations. It also considers what impact these reforms have had on the efficiency, responsiveness and equity of services; comprehensively reviews the evidence on the effects of reform on health care, housing and education; and discusses the implications for public sector management.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationBuckingham
PublisherOpen University Press
Number of pages188
ISBN (Electronic)9780335202478
ISBN (Print)9780335202461
Publication statusPublished - 2003
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameManaging the public services
PublisherOpen University Press


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