
Chi Wah MAN (Artist)

Research output: Creative Works (Non-textual form)Artefact


For me, “Art” is a way of promoting the healing, growth, and wholeness of individuals.

All my works are my self-portraits: they reflect the inner part of me and give me access to examine my feelings, my thoughts, my experience, my conditions – my life. I strive to overcome fears and embrace discoveries and changes. I do think that my endeavor is pretty analogue.

Each era generates its own languages to synthesize the spirit of the time. Computer technologies change the way we process the world, creating new space for exploration and transformation of consciousness. Digital media is the tool that I used to establish new parameters for seeing and comprehending reality.

I treat my works as the sum of construction and destruction. Digital technology provides the best flexibility for such kind of working concept and process. I consider my works as the outlining of a mental space. They develop as I work. I experiment straight on the screen, until it looks like planned, or until it gets to the point where I can say that the construction is right. In the end, the color I take away from here turns up there, the shape I destruct turns up to be part of other objects..
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2011
Externally publishedYes
EventAnalogue is the new digital : An online exhibition -
Duration: 1 Jul 201130 Jun 2015


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