Exploring Generational Trajectories in the UK: Comparing Divergent and Similar Pathways among Different Generations

Research output: Other Conference ContributionsPresentation


The classical sociological literature on social mobility has traditionally viewed mobility as transitions between social classes, changes in occupation, and shifts in income, earnings, and wealth. In addition, scholars have explored how these transitions and positional persistences are influenced by cumulative socioeconomic advantages or disadvantages transmitted across generations, resulting in inherited inequalities. However, some analysts have recently questioned the accuracy of social origins in predicting social destinations, particularly when considering intragenerational social mobility patterns can attenuate intergenerational differences due to life-cycle bias and measurement error. Drawing on theoretical principles from Life Course Theory, such as the linked-life and linked-trajectories principles, by analyzing the Harmonized BHPS-UKHLS dataset this work seeks to understand whether generations diverge or resemble each other regarding social mobility pathways.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2 Dec 2023
EventHong Kong Sociological Association 24th Annual Conference: Population Changes and Social Inequalities - Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Duration: 2 Dec 20232 Dec 2023


ConferenceHong Kong Sociological Association 24th Annual Conference: Population Changes and Social Inequalities
Country/TerritoryHong Kong


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