Factors affecting the access to formal and informal mental health support among migrant domestic workers : a scoping review

Research output: Other Conference ContributionsConference Paper (other)Other Conference Paperpeer-review


While there is a growing recognition in the academic literature of the strategies employed by migrant domestic workers (MDWs) to addressing their mental health needs, it is worth noting that more attention has been devoted to examining their access to informal mental health support (e.g., peer networks and family members), and less to their access to formal mental health services (e.g., psychologists and counselors). This unequal attention warrants a comprehensive examination of the dynamics between the two approaches. To address this gap, this scoping review examines the factors influencing MDWs' access to both formal and informal mental health support. Employing the PRISMA framework, I systematically searched three electronic databases (Web of Science, ScienceDirect, and EBSCOHost), supplemented by manual searches of other sources. Among the 8277 records retrieved, 22 studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in the review. The findings suggest that MDWs face multilevel barriers and facilitators in accessing both formal and informal support. The results highlight the interplay between employment dynamics, the mental healthcare system, and gender and other social relations in shaping MDWs' access to formal services. Additionally, the results underscore the complementary roles of the two approaches in addressing MDWs' mental health needs. The evidence gathered from this scoping review indicates that MDWs actively navigate and negotiate access to both approaches in their host countries.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 6 Apr 2024
EventPostgraduate Conference on Interdisciplinary Learning: Reimaging Postgraduate Studies in the New Digital Age - Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Duration: 6 Apr 20246 Apr 2024


ConferencePostgraduate Conference on Interdisciplinary Learning
Country/TerritoryHong Kong


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