Family-to-work interface and injuries: Mediating roles of burnout, engagement, and safety violations

Research output: Other Conference ContributionsConference Paper (other)Researchpeer-review


Objective: Previous research has primarily focused on the role of the negative side of family-to-work interface (family-to-work conflict) in workplace safety and neglected the positive side (family-to-work enrichment). Moreover, the mechanism underlying the association between family-to-work interface and workplace safety has not been well understood. Drawing on the job demands–resources model and conservation of resources theory, the present study aims to extend the existing literature by investigating the mediating roles of burnout, work engagement, and safety violations in the relationships of family-to-work conflict and family-to-work enrichment with workplace injuries.

Methods: Two-wave longitudinal survey data were collected from 233 Chinese employees in two high-risk industries (nursing and railways). Post-survey in-depth interviews with 30 participants (15 nurses and 15 rail workers) were conducted 8 months after the second survey. Structural equation modelling was used to test the hypothesised longitudinal mediation model.

Results: It was found that the relationship between family-to-work enrichment and workplace injuries was mediated by work engagement and then safety violations. The relationship between family-to-work conflict and workplace injuries was mediated by burnout. The relationship between family-to-work conflict and workplace injuries was also mediated by safety violations. The results of the post-survey in-depth interviews validated the survey findings and revealed the reasons behind them.

Conclusions: The present findings shed light on the mechanisms through which family-to-work interface influences workplace injuries.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 22 Jul 2021
EventThe 32nd International Congress of Psychology - Virtual
Duration: 18 Jul 202123 Jul 2021


ConferenceThe 32nd International Congress of Psychology
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