Foreign direct investment in a two-tier oligopoly: Coordination, vertical integration, and welfare

Ping LIN*, Kamal SAGGI

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Research output: Book Chapters | Papers in Conference ProceedingsBook ChapterResearchpeer-review


We study foreign direct investment (FDI) by two independent investors/entrants into a two-Tiered oligopolistic industry. An FDI subsidy at a single stage of production can be sufficient to resolve the coordination problem facing investors thereby inducing entry at both stages. However, due to linkage offsetting, FDI at both stages may yield lower domestic welfare than FDI at a single stage. Vertical integration not only solves the coordination problem, it also eliminates double marginalization. But since the integrated multinational does not sell the intermediate to local firms, its entry generates no vertical linkages and can yield lower welfare than FDI by independent firms.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationTechnology Transfer, Foreign Direct Investment, and the Protection of Intellectual Property in the Global Economy
EditorsKamal SAGGI
PublisherWorld Scientific
Number of pages20
ISBN (Electronic)9789813233027
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2023
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameWorld Scientific Studies in International Economics
ISSN (Print)1793-3641

Bibliographical note

This chapter was originally appeared in International Economic Review 52, 1271–1290.
Publisher Copyright:
© 2011 The Economics Department of the University of Pennsylvania and the Osaka University Institute of Social and Economic Research Association.

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