Gender, masculinity and growing flexibility in fatherhood : a study on the construction of fatherhood in Zambia


Research output: Other Conference ContributionsPresentation


This study is aimed at exploring ways in which fatherhood as a gendered construct is (re)conceptualized, practiced and interpreted in view of the existing masculinity discourses. It follows four sets of questions which are; i) How do fathers conceptualize fatherhood and how do such constructs interact with masculinity discourses? (ii) How do fathers negotiate and deal with the existing discrepancies if any, between their everyday fathering practices and cultural expectations? (iii) What factors influence fathers’ constructions of fatherhood and fathering? Why do fathers do what they do? (iv) What are the gendered differences and similarities in the experiences of fatherhood between mothers and fathers? Do mothers’ experiences corroborate or contrast that of fathers? Since literature shows that fatherhood has been undergoing change, a major line of inquiry is on exploring how fathers reconcile, negotiate, react, deal or resist or (selectively) embrace the contrasting tenets of traditional and ‘new’ ideals of fatherhood with their respective hegemonic and alternative masculinities. Thus, this study mainly approaches these issues from the framework of masculine compromise which is a major line of departure from other studies on fatherhood. In order to explore the pluralistic and diverse nature of fatherhood and fathering as well as to capture the intricacies, complexities and contradictions inherent therein, the study proposes the use of qualitative methodology situated within the paradigm of social constructionism.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2019
EventPostgraduate Conference on Interdiscplinary Learning : Positioning the Young Scholar for Academic Excellence - Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Duration: 29 Mar 201930 Mar 2019 (Conference website)

Public Lecture

Public LecturePostgraduate Conference on Interdiscplinary Learning : Positioning the Young Scholar for Academic Excellence
Country/TerritoryHong Kong
OtherWith support from the University Grants Committee, Lingnan University successfully held the Postgraduate Conference on Interdisciplinary Learning on 29 to 30 March 2019. With a firm conviction to positioning the young academic scholars for excellence, the Conference brought together over 100 speakers and participants not only from Lingnan University but also other local universities like University of Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, City University of Hong Kong, and Hong Kong Baptist University. Overseas speakers and postgraduate students from University of Bristol, University of York, National University of Singapore, Fu Jen Catherine University of Taiwan, Central China Normal University and University of Shanghai for Science & Technology in China also joined the conference.
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