Hong Kong literature in translation : Liu Yichang's literary works and translations

Wen-chun LIANG (Presenter)

Research output: Other Conference ContributionsPresentation


Roman Jakobson's (1959) classification of three types of translation—interlingual translation, intralingual translation, and intersemiotic translation—discusses translation proper. In the field of Translation Studies, numerous studies have focused on literary works that deal with different languages, yet very few have investigated the (re)construction of cultural images through the process of translation and the (re)construction of cultural images—if there are any—through different semiotics in the process of intersemiotic translation (i.e., literary to multimedia). Inquiring into the processes of translating cultural images often probes into the narratives surrounding the origin and characteristics of other countries and people depicted in works of literature at the textual level. It thus accounts for the mental representation or reputation of a specific person or place and its associated attributes (Beller and Leerssen 2007). The centrality of studies on the traveling of cultural images is on the relationship between the decision the translator makes and the possibility of reshaping the stereotypical understanding of a culture. Hong Kong has been positioned at the intersection between the East and West, which makes the way the (re)construction of cultural images through translation quite intriguing. The present study aims to study one of the most influential Hong Kong writers, Liu Yichang (1918–2018), and the translations of his literary works, in both verbal and audio-visual semiotics, to understand the shift of the cultural images of Hong Kong in the process of translation.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2020
EventAAS-in-Asia 2020 Conference : Asia at the Crossroads: Solidarity through Scholarship - Online from Kobe Japan, Kobe, Japan
Duration: 31 Aug 20204 Sept 2020


ConferenceAAS-in-Asia 2020 Conference : Asia at the Crossroads: Solidarity through Scholarship
Abbreviated titleAAS-in-Asia 2020
Internet address


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