I Don’t Like Watching Japanese Adult Videos Because You Like it’: The Politics of Pornography Consumption in Taiwan

Heung Wah WONG, Hoi Yan YAU

Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


This article focuses on women’s use of pornography in modern Taiwan, with an eye to making sense their “claimed” preference for American pornography. Our research shows that men and women display vast differences in pornography use and pornography preference with men tending to identify with Japanese adult videos and women with American pornography. Such gendered use of pornography has been substantially documented and examined through multiple disciplinary lenses. While illuminating, these studies tend not to examine further how such gender differences come about. It fosters an impression that gender can be used to explain away the reasons that men and women will differ in pornography use and sex. Gender is thus seen as universally applicable and able to explain everything without providing any concrete explanations. From this vantage, the specific, concrete gender norms that gave rise to the differences in pornography use in different cultures are dismissed as just manifestations of their genders. This article therefore aims to recover the specific gender norms and politics in Taiwan, which are often lumped together and explained away as gender inclinations and see how these specific contents gave rise to gender differences in pornography use. To understand how these gender differences ultimately come about, one needs to first explore how and why men and women consume pornography, respectively. Elsewhere, we have explored Taiwanese men’s use of, and preference for, pornography. This article therefore aims to examine Taiwanese women’s use of pornography with reference to gender norms in Taiwan.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-11
Number of pages11
JournalSAGE Open
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2014
Externally publishedYes


  • women's pronography preference
  • Taiwanese women
  • local gender norms
  • sexual script
  • configuration of sexual being


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