Innovative Teaching and Learning Approaches During the COVID-19 Pandemic : A Case Study of Five Liberal Arts Institutions in East Asia

Guoguo KE, Youliang ZHANG*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Book Chapters | Papers in Conference ProceedingsBook ChapterResearchpeer-review


Liberal arts education emphasizes student-oriented teaching and learning, placing a high value on close relationships between faculty and students. This interactive teaching and learning mode plays a significant role in facilitating whole-person education. However, given the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, the higher education sector has been forced to adopt online teaching and learning, which typically reduce the effectiveness of personal interactions, thus potentially bringing difficulties especially in liberal arts education. This chapter aims to examine how liberal arts colleges and liberal arts programs within large comprehensive/research universities in Asia innovate student learning experiences when the study mode shifts from face-to-face mode to online. On the basis of the comparative analyses of selected liberal arts institutions and literature review about the implementation on innovating education, the chapter explores how these institutions have adopted innovations to enhance student learning experience but still maintain the liberal arts education tradition. While the return of face-to-face learning and teaching is highly anticipated, the values of online teaching and learning still need to be reimagined and reinterpreted.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Reinvention of Liberal Learning Around the Globe
EditorsInsung JUNG, Ka Ho MOK
PublisherSpringer Singapore
ISBN (Electronic)9789811982651
ISBN (Print)9789811982644
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2023

Publication series

NameCrossing Cultures: Liberal Learning for a World in Flux book series
ISSN (Print)2730-7603
ISSN (Electronic)2730-7611

Bibliographical note

This chapter is supported by the Hong Kong Scholars Program (Grant No. XJ2020008), and 2019 Beijing higher education undergraduate teaching reform and innovation program (Fund No. 162).


  • COVID-19 pandemic
  • Innovation practice
  • Liberal arts education
  • Sustainable development
  • Teaching and Learning


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