阐释的悖论、隐含的规范性和人性 : 从比较哲学的视角重审意志薄弱问题

Translated title of the contribution: Interpretational paradox, implicit normativity, and human nature : revisiting weakness of will from a perspective of comparative philosophy

郑宇健, 文杰 (Translator)

Research output: Journal PublicationsArticle (Translation)


Translated title of the contributionInterpretational paradox, implicit normativity, and human nature : revisiting weakness of will from a perspective of comparative philosophy
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)1-25
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2018

Bibliographical note

本文原文为英文 (题为"Interpretational paradox, implicit normativity, and human nature : revisiting weakness of will from a perspective of comparative philosophy"), 刊于学术期刊 Dao ,见该刊 2017年第16 期第145-163页 。 本文被评为 Dao 2017 年年度最佳论文。在通读本文译稿时,郑宇健教授对译稿提出了宝贵的修改意见。另外,也要感请上海交通大学哲学系助理教授黄远柷和华东师范大学哲学系黄家光博士对译稿提出的细致修改建议 。

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