Last Word : Globalization, De-globalization, and Anti-globalization

Wing Lok HUNG

Research output: Book Chapters | Papers in Conference ProceedingsBook ChapterResearchpeer-review


When historian Niall Ferguson wrote the article “Sinking Globalization” in the Foreign Affairs in 2005, we were reminded of when the global economy was astonishingly disintegrated throughout horrendous periods during World War I, the Great Depression, and the Second World War. However, perhaps only very few people would have imagined that our golden age of globalization would rapidly be obstructed in a similar way to what our grandparents’ experienced when WWII broke out and the Cold War that followed. The disintegration of our modern globalized world due to a worldwide spread of an infectious disease would also have been unimaginable…
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCrafting an Asian Future in the Post-COVID-19 Asia
EditorsTai Wei LIM
PublisherWorld Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd
Number of pages8
ISBN (Electronic)9789811253737, 9789811253744
ISBN (Print)9789811253720
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2022


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