Local Policy Innovation and Youth Development: An Analysis of Graduate Entrepreneurship Policies in Shenzhen City, China


Research output: Other Conference ContributionsConference Paper (other)Other Conference Paperpeer-review


In recent years, East Asian countries witnessed a dramatic increase of higher education graduates, while some of them have encountered serious challenges in gaining employment. China is not an exceptional case. The Chinese government has been making great efforts to promote graduate employment. The “mass entrepreneurship and innovation” initiative was launched in 2014 with the aims to boost the high-tech industry and strongly encourage fresh university graduates to form start-ups. Embracing the calls from the central government,
local governments aggressively created concrete plans to boost graduate employment through innovation and entrepreneurship. However, whether graduate entrepreneurship could succeed depends partly on local policies, and on the local endowment of technology, labour and capital. Shenzhen City, China’s first Special Economic Zone, is an important site for policy innovation and the delivery of social policy programmes. It is also the only non-municipal city of most active entrepreneurship and received the largest amount of venture capital. In addition, Shenzhen is one of the pilot localities for mass innovation by the State Council in May 2016. Against the backdrop, this study investigates how the Shenzhen government promotes the development of innovation and entrepreneurship of university graduates. Drawing on the Triple Helix Model, the analysis focuses on how the Shenzhen government has been working closely with industry, and higher education institutions to implement policy innovations. This study contributes to a better understanding of local policy innovations and youth development in a developmental state.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 20 Oct 2018
EventThe IAFOR Conference for Higher Education Research - Hong Kong: Innovation Entrepreneurship and Value - Lingnan University, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Duration: 19 Oct 201821 Oct 2018


ConferenceThe IAFOR Conference for Higher Education Research - Hong Kong
Abbreviated titleCHER-HongKong2018
Country/TerritoryHong Kong
CityHong Kong
OtherIn recent years, governments in East Asia have called for a university-industry-business collaboration to support innovation and entrepreneurship. With the growing importance of technology advancement and its potential impact on social and economic changes, different strategies have been adopted to promote a smart city, innovation and entrepreneurship across different countries. The IAFOR Conference for Higher Education Research – Hong Kong (CHER-HongKong) sets out against the wider political economy context to examine how governments, universities, industries and businesses, and the community at large in Asia, work together to nurture innovation and entrepreneurship not only for reasons of economic growth, but also for social development and cultural enhancement.

The HKSAR Government has realised that innovation, information and technology, and entrepreneurship are important drivers for new economic growth. Thus, the HKSAR has proactively supported innovation and creativity for economic development and knowledge transfer activities. In order to capture the development opportunities given by the Big Bay Area in South China and the strategic development directions under the “Belt and Road Initiatives” rolled out by the Chinese Government, the HKSAR Government has actively called the university sector to engage with the industries and businesses, as well as the local, regional and international community to work together to promote innovation-centric entrepreneurship. The Conference organised in Hong Kong against the regional development context outlined above will provide stimulating conversations and dialogues for conference participants.

This conference offers the international platform for higher education researchers, senior university administrators, government officials, policy analysts, and professionals working across industries and education to explore new strategies/measures in support of innovation-centric entrepreneurship. Meanwhile, this conference also engages presenters and participants to examine policy, management and governance, ethical and value issues when promoting innovation, entrepreneurship and value.
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