Locus of control and well-being at work : How generalizable are western findings?

Paul E. SPECTOR*, Cary L. COOPER, Juan I. SANCHEZ, Michael O’DRISCOLL, Kate SPARKS, Peggy BERNIN, André BÜSSING, Philip DEWE, Peter HART, Luo LU, Karen MILLER, Lucio Flávio Renault DE MORAES, Gabrielle M. OSTROGNAY, Milan PAGON, Horea D. PITARIU, Steven A.Y. POELMANS, Phani RADHAKRISHNAN, Vesselina RUSSINOVA, Vladimir SALAMATOV, Jesús F. SALGADOSatoru SHIMA, Oi Ling SIU, Jean Benjamin STORA, Mare TEICHMANN, Töres THEORELL, Peter VLERICK, Mina WESTMAN, Maria WIDERSZAL-BAZYL, Paul T.P. WONG, Shanfa YU

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Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review

213 Citations (Scopus)


Managers from 24 geopolitical entities provided data on work locus of control, job satisfaction, psychological strain, physical strain, and individualism/collectivism. The hypothesis that the salutary effects of perceived control on well-being are universal was supported because relations of work locus of control with well-being at work were similar in almost all the sampled areas. Furthermore, the individualism/collectivism level of each sample did not moderate the magnitude of correlations of work locus of control with measures of well-being. Findings indicate that control beliefs contribute to well-being universally, but we suggest that how control is manifested can still differ.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1
Pages (from-to)453-466
Number of pages14
JournalAcademy of Management Journal
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2002


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