Making change : Embedding social innovation in service-learning for empowering future changemakers

Liang SHANG, Tuen-yi CHIU

Research output: Other Conference ContributionsConference Paper (other)Other Conference Paperpeer-review


Young generations have been increasingly exposed to constant social and environmental changes in our society, and thus consequently require new knowledge and skills to support them to better tackle current and future challenges. To sharpen and unleash the creative potential of university students, we designed and delivered an integrative service-learning model that embraces the spirit of social innovation in which students are encouraged to seek new answers to social problems and play a more central role in their service learning experiences. We implemented this integrative model in four undergraduate courses that cover various major social issues and challenges in contemporary societies, including housing, ageing, sexual violence, and social inclusion. Drawing upon a lens of co-production that locates our attention on students’ engagement and contribution to their own education, we examined and discussed the changing roles of students in the integrative service-learning programme and the implications for social innovation education. An ethnographic approach was used to explore and evaluate students’ perspectives and experiences, their nexus with teachers and community partners, as well as the opportunities and challenges they encountered during the 3-month service-learning experience that followed a social innovation and design-thinking framework. We suggest that a paradigm shift is needed in higher education by moving away from the notion of ‘students as customers’ to ‘students as co-producers’, which puts students at the front and centre of their learning experiences and helps promote social innovation education to nurture future social change agents in higher education.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 17 May 2023
EventThe International Conference on Learning and Teaching for Future Readiness 2023 : Learning and Teaching in the Eve of Metaverse - The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), Hong Kong
Duration: 17 May 202319 May 2023


ConferenceThe International Conference on Learning and Teaching for Future Readiness 2023 : Learning and Teaching in the Eve of Metaverse
Abbreviated titleICLT 2023
Country/TerritoryHong Kong


  • Co-production
  • Higher Education
  • Hong Kong
  • Service Learning
  • Social Innovation Education


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