Making China Great Again ; Blackfaces in African/Chinese Modernities

Research output: Other Conference ContributionsConference Paper (other)Other Conference Paperpeer-review


Over the last couple of years, several incidents have ignited viral debates over race and racism in the Africa-China relations. The CCTV 2018 New Year’s Gala ‘blackface’ is the latest, and perhaps, the most controversial. These viral debates emerge in a context in which representation through new media has allowed for a complex and contested repopulation of SinoAfrican mediascapes. In this paper, part of wider research project, I trace the ways in which blackness has been imagined and represented in China/Hong Kong through the analysis of three (colonial and postcolonial) cinematic moments. Looking at filmic representation beyond Hollywood is crucial to understand how contemporary Chinese people (in different ‘Chinese’ polities) think of and imagine blackness. These ways of imagining shed important light on incidents like the CCTV Gala and on contemporary debates over racism in Africa-China relations.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2019
EventInter-Asia Cultural Studies Society Conference 2019: Fluid Circuits: Cultures of Knowledge After the Digital Turn - Silliman University, Dumaguete City, Philippines
Duration: 1 Aug 20193 Aug 2019


ConferenceInter-Asia Cultural Studies Society Conference 2019
Abbreviated titleIACS 2019
CityDumaguete City
Internet address


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