Management innovation and organizational performance: The mediating effect of performance management

Richard M. WALKER*, Fariborz DAMANPOUR, Carlos A. DEVECE

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Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review

335 Citations (Scopus)


Management innovations (MIs) are widely adopted, but their influences on organizational performance are little researched in public settings. Positing that the MI-performance relationship is complex and is conditional over other characteristics of the organization, we examine the influence of MI on organizational performance both directly and indirectly through performance management (PM). PM is an important organizational process characteristic arising from public management reform and in itself influences performance. We test our hypotheses using structural equation models with data from three sources in English local governments. The findings indicate that the impact of MI on performance is not direct; it is mediated by PM. We also find that PM positively affects organizational performance. In conclusion, we discuss the implications of these findings for research and practice.

管理创新 (Management Innovations, MIs) 是一个广泛应用的概念。然而关于管理创新在公共领域如何影响组织绩效 (Organizational Performance),尚缺乏足够的研究。管理创新和组织绩效之间的关系纷繁复杂。诸多组织层面的因素可以影响管理创新的效果。基于这个前提,本文通过绩效管理 (Performance Management, PM) 的视角来探讨管理创新对于组织绩效的直接和间接影响。绩效管理源自于现代公共管理改革,是对组织绩效有重要影响的一种管理模式。我们运用三类英国地方政府的数据和结构方程模型 (Structural Equation Models) 来验证我们的理论假设。实证分析表明,管理创新对于组织绩效的促进作用是通过绩效管理间接实现的。同时, 绩效管理可以强化组织绩效。最后, 我们探讨了本文实证分析结果的理论和实践意义。
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)367-386
Number of pages20
JournalJournal of Public Administration Research and Theory
Issue number2
Early online date18 Aug 2010
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2011
Externally publishedYes


Economic and Social Research Council (grants 331-24-0006 and 062-23-0039).


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