Mass media as social innovations in the lives of older adults in Ghana


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Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review


This study sought to investigate the importance of radio listening and television viewing as social innovation strategies in improving healthy ageing among older people in Ghana. By enlisting 11 older adults in a descriptive qualitative study, the purpose of the study was to gain insight into older person’s television viewing and radio listening habits, as well as their attitudes and opinions on numerous programs on radio and television towards their healthy ageing. The outcomes of this study show that older adults view television and listen to the radio to receive health-related information and obtain entertainment to regulate mood swings and stress, with media consumption taking place mostly at home, especially when they are alone. However, older persons have expressed considerable displeasure and opposition to certain radio and television programs, claiming that such components increase their mood swings and affect their health. It was recommended that the state should collaborate with journalists to refine or institute programs, on both television and radio, that will benefit older adults towards achieving healthy ageing. The mass media should endeavor to include information on health, lifestyles eating behaviors, health care, and the heterogeneity of older people's situations and experiences to influence older adults’ health-related policies and practices.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)77-93
JournalJournal of Social Issues in Non-Communicable Conditions & Disability
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2022


  • older adults
  • radio
  • television
  • Ghana
  • habits
  • wellbeing
  • healthy ageing


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