Massification and Privatization of Higher Education in East Asia : Critical Reflections on Graduate Employment from the Sociological and Political Economic Perspectives

Ka Ho MOK*, Guo Guo KE, Zhen TIAN

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Book Chapters | Papers in Conference ProceedingsReference Entrypeer-review


East Asia has experienced a significant increase in higher education enrollment in recent decades, the main consequence of which was the oversupply of university graduates for local and global labor markets. Intensified competition and mismatched employability further created new challenges for university graduates. This study critically examines how the massification and privatization of higher education in East Asia affect graduate employment in a country. Additionally, this study challenges human capital theory for overpromising that individual investment in higher education would result in prosperous career development and advanced social mobility for graduates. This research used a comparative data analysis of graduate employment in selected East Asian countries/regions to highlight the impact of intergenerational inequality on graduate employment and social mobility. Moreover, this study argues that an improved understanding of graduate employment can be achieved by considering the broad political economic perspective when analyzing intergenerational inequality and youth employment dilemmas.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInternational Handbook on Education Development in Asia-Pacific
EditorsWing On LEE, Phillip BROWN, A. Lin GOODWIN, Andy GREEN
PublisherSpringer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
Number of pages18
EditionLive Reference Work Entry
ISBN (Electronic)9789811623271
ISBN (Print)9789811623271
Publication statusPublished - 23 Aug 2022


  • East Asia
  • Graduate Employment
  • Higher Education
  • Intergenerational justice
  • Massification of higher education
  • social mobility


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