Materialism in Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong: Profiles and and social-demographic correlates

Tan Lei Daniel SHEK*, Li LIN, A.M.H. SIU, B.M. LEE

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Book Chapters | Papers in Conference ProceedingsBook ChapterResearchpeer-review


Although youth development models suggest that materialistic beliefs have a negative impact on adolescent development, empirical studies in this area are scarce. Based on a sample of 2,474 high school students in Hong Kong, this study examined the profiles of materialism and socio-demographic correlates of adolescent materialism. Results showed that more than a quarter of the respondents agreed that earning money is more important than other things. Significant proportions of the respondents also agreed that adolescents in Hong Kong were materialistic. However, the respondents perceived themselves to be less materialistic as compared to adolescents in Hong Kong. Regarding socio-demographic correlates of materialism in adolescents, correlation and regression analyses showed that age, gender, parental education, and family intactness were associated with adolescent materialism. Multiple regression analyses further showed that age, gender, and family intactness were significant predictors of adolescent materialism.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAdvances in Chinese Children, Adolescent and Family Research
EditorsAriel TENENBAUM, Daniel T.L. SHEK, Moon YM LAW, Joav MERRICK
PublisherNova Science Publishers. Inc
Number of pages21
ISBN (Electronic)9781536178715
ISBN (Print)9781536178708
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2020
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NamePublic Health: Practices, Methods and Policies
PublisherNova Science Publishers

Bibliographical note

The series of studies on character and moral development in high school students in Hong Kong are financially supported by Wofoo Foundation. This chapter is a re-print with minor revision of an earlier published paper in the International Journal of Child Health and Human Development 2019;12(3) issue with permission.


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