Measuring Learning Outcomes for Programme Improvement: Easier Said Than Done, But Well Worth the Effort

T. S. CHAN, Robin Stanley SNELL

Research output: Book Chapters | Papers in Conference ProceedingsConference paper (refereed)Researchpeer-review


In this paper, we shall argue, based on experience at a Hong Kong based University, that introducing outcomes based education (OBE) to an institution where quality assurance is already well-established but where the concept and practice of OBE is entirely new entails major organizational change and requires substantial investment of resources. We shall explain how a set of organizational routines for learning outcome measurement (LOM) were developed and grafted into a mature quality assurance system of the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Programme at Lingnan University, in the face of not inconsiderable resistance to change. We shall explain how the restraining forces stemmed from selection information processing, habit, structural inertia, and threat to expertise, how such resistance was manifest, and how this was eventually overcome through communication, education, facilitation and support. We shall also identify what has already been gained from operating LOM, in terms of the ability collectively and systematically to pinpoint and address specific areas of learning difficulty among the student body.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication高等教育質量保障體系建設研究"國際學術研討會論文集 = International Symposium on "Higher Education Quality Assurance
Editors 謝安邦, 鄭妙嫻
Place of Publication澳門
ISBN (Print)9789996520273
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2010
EventInternational Symposium on Higher Education Quality Assurance = 高等教育質量保障體系建設研究 - Macau, Macau, Macao
Duration: 7 Nov 20109 Nov 2010


SymposiumInternational Symposium on Higher Education Quality Assurance = 高等教育質量保障體系建設研究
OtherMacao Polytechnic Institute
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