Mental Health Support for Migrant Domestic Workers in a Transnational Context: A Preliminary Conceptual Framework

Research output: Other Conference ContributionsConference Paper (other)Other Conference Paperpeer-review


More attention has been devoted to migrant domestic workers’ (MDWs) access to informal mental health support (e.g., friends and families) and less to their access to formal mental health support (e.g., psychologists and counselors), which warrants a comprehensive examination of the dynamics between these two approaches in a transnational context. To address this gap, a scoping review of the factors influencing MDWs’ access to both approaches was conducted. In this study, access to mental health support is conceptualized as a mechanism involving help-seeking activities and actual utilization of support. The findings highlight the complex interplay between gender and social relations, the employment system, and the mental health care system in shaping MDWs’ access to both formal and informal mental health support in a transnational context. The evidence gathered from the scoping review indicates that MDWs actively navigate and negotiate access to both approaches while working and residing in host countries.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 28 Sept 2024
EventThe Diamond Jubilee Convention of the Psychological Association of the Philippines: 60 Years of Philippine Psychology: Celebrating Glocal Milestones and Navigating Trends in Research and Practice - Baguio Convention and Cultural Center and Saint Louis University, Baguio, Philippines
Duration: 26 Sept 202428 Sept 2024


ConferenceThe Diamond Jubilee Convention of the Psychological Association of the Philippines: 60 Years of Philippine Psychology: Celebrating Glocal Milestones and Navigating Trends in Research and Practice
Abbreviated title60th PAP Annual Convention (2024)


  • migrant domestic workers
  • access
  • mental health support
  • transnational
  • migration


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