MRGAT : Multi-Relational Graph Attention Network for knowledge graph completion

Guoquan DAI, Xizhao WANG*, Xiaoying ZOU, Chao LIU, Si CEN

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Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review

35 Citations (Scopus)


One of the most effective ways to solve the problem of knowledge graph completion is embedding-based models. Graph neural networks (GNNs) are popular and promising embedding models which can exploit and use the structural information of neighbors in knowledge graphs. The current GNN-based knowledge graph completion methods assume that all neighbors of a node have equal importance. This assumption which cannot assign different weights to neighbors is pointed out in our study to be unreasonable. In addition, since the knowledge graph is a kind of heterogeneous graph with multiple relations, multiple complex interactions between nodes and neighbors can bring challenges to the effective message passing of GNNs. We then design a multi-relational graph attention network (MRGAT) which can adapt to different cases of heterogeneous multi-relational connections and then calculate the importance of different neighboring nodes through a self-attention layer. The incorporation of self-attention mechanism into the network with different node weights optimizes the network structure, and therefore, significantly results in a promotion of performance. We experimentally validate the rationality of our models on multiple benchmark knowledge graphs, where MRGAT achieves the best performance on various evaluation metrics including MRR score, Hits@ score compared with other state-of-the-art baseline models.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)234-245
Number of pages12
JournalNeural Networks
Early online date16 Jul 2022
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2022
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

This work was supported in part by the Postgraduate Innovation Development Fund Project of Shenzhen University, China (Grants 0000470814 ), in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants 61976141 , 61732011 and 62106148 ) and the Project funded by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation under Grant no. 2021M702259.


  • Attention mechanism
  • Graph neural network
  • Knowledge graph


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