Non-governmental organisations as instrument for dementia literacy among ethnic minorities in Hong Kong

Padmore Adusei AMOAH, Angela Y.M. LEUNG, Laurence Lloyd PARIAL

Research output: Other Conference ContributionsPresentation


Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have historically played a critical role in social policy and health service in pluralistic health systems globally. However, their role in promoting mental health literacy and especially among racialised minority groups in East Asia, is largely overlooked. This paper charts the nuances of how NGOs in Hong Kong are complementing efforts to enhance dementia literacy of ethnic minority groups in Hong Kong. Researching dementia literacy is important given the growing incidence of dementia and the rapid population ageing in Hong Kong. Data were derived through phenomenological qualitative research using semi-structured focus group discussions and in-depth interviews. Participants comprised thirty-eight older adults and caregivers from Nepal, India and Pakistan. A thematic analysis technique was employed to analyse the data. It was found that NGOs were a critical source of all kinds of health information, including dementia. Also, NGOs played significant roles in whether and how some racial minorities sought help for diagnosed and suspected dementia conditions. Additionally, NGOs served as a bridge between clinical services and ethnic minority households in need of dementia care. Reliance on NGOs for dementia literacy support was apparently due to trust in the services offered. Unfortunately, resource constraints meant that support from NGOs was insufficient relative to the dementia literacy needs of the ethnic minorities. These findings underscore the instrumental role of NGOs in protecting dementia literacy and the need to strengthen cross-sectoral collaboration to enable them to deliver comprehensive and sustainable services to ethnic minorities.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 14 Sept 2023
EventThe 19th East Asian Social Policy International Conference: Sustainable Development and Social Policy in East Asia - Sydney, Australia
Duration: 14 Sept 202315 Sept 2023


ConferenceThe 19th East Asian Social Policy International Conference: Sustainable Development and Social Policy in East Asia
Abbreviated titleEASP


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