Nonlinear pricing in a finite economy


Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review

81 Citations (Scopus)


We study majority voting over a bidimensional policy space when the voters' type space is either uni- or bidimensional. We show that a Condorcet winner fails to generically exist even with a unidimensional type space. We then study two voting procedures widely used in the literature. The Stackelberg (ST) procedure assumes that votes are taken one dimension at a time according to an exogenously specified sequence. The Kramer-Shepsle (KS) procedure also assumes that votes are taken separately on each dimension, but not in a sequential way. A vector of policies is a Kramer-Shepsle equilibrium if each component coincides with the majority choice on this dimension given the other components of the vector. We study the existence and uniqueness of the ST and KS equilibria, and we compare them, looking e.g. at the impact of the ordering of votes for ST and identifying circumstances under which ST and KS equilibria coincide. In the process, we state explicitly the assumptions on the utility function that are needed for these equilibria to be well behaved. We especially stress the importance of single crossing conditions, and we identify two variants of these assumptions: a marginal version that is imposed on all policy dimensions separately, and a joint version whose definition involves both policy dimensions.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)157-159
Number of pages3
JournalJournal of Public Economics
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 1982
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

We are grateful for comments from members of seminars at Duke and Warwick universities and participants to the First Latin-American Meeting of the Econometric Society (Buenos Aires, July 1980). We thank in particular P. Hammond and J. Weymark.


This author gratefully acknowledges CEPREMAP’s hospitality as well as a research grant from the SSRC (UK) and CNRS (France) which made this research possible.


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