On the Fundamental Tradeoff of Integrated Sensing and Communications Under Gaussian Channels

Yifeng XIONG, Fan LIU*, Yuanhao CUI, Weijie YUAN, Tony Xiao HAN, Giuseppe CAIRE

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Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review

66 Citations (Scopus)


Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC) is recognized as a promising technology for the next-generation wireless networks, which provides significant performance gains over individual sensing and communications (S&C) systems via the shared use of wireless resources. The characterization of the S&C performance tradeoff is at the core of the theoretical foundation of ISAC. In this paper, we consider a point-to-point (P2P) ISAC model under vector Gaussian channels, and propose to use the Cramér-Rao bound (CRB)-rate region as a basic tool for depicting the fundamental S&C tradeoff. In particular, we consider the scenario where a unified ISAC waveform is emitted from a dual-functional ISAC transmitter (Tx), which simultaneously communicates information to a communication receiver (Rx) and senses targets with the help of a sensing Rx. In order to perform both S&C tasks, the ISAC waveform is required to be random to convey communication information, with realizations being perfectly known at both the ISAC Tx and the sensing Rx as a reference sensing signal as in typical radar systems. In this context, we treat the ISAC waveform as a random but known nuisance parameter in the sensing signal model, and define a Miller-Chang type CRB for the analysis of the sensing performance. As the main contribution of this paper, we characterize the S&C performance at the two corner points of the CRBrate region, namely, PSC indicating the maximum achievable communication rate constrained by the minimum CRB, and PCS indicating the minimum achievable CRB constrained by the maximum communication rate. In particular, we derive the high-SNR communication capacity at PSC, and provide lower and upper bounds for the sensing CRB at PCS. We show that these two points can be achieved by the conventional Gaussian signalling and a novel strategy relying on the uniform distribution over the set of semi-unitary matrices, i.e., the Stiefel manifold, respectively. Based on the above-mentioned analysis, we provide an outer bound and various inner bounds for the achievable CRB-rate regions. Our main results reveal a two-fold tradeoff in ISAC systems, consisting of the subspace tradeoff (ST) and the deterministic-random tradeoff (DRT) that depend on the resource allocation and data modulation schemes employed for S&C, respectively. Within this framework, we examine the state-of-theart ISAC signalling strategies and study a number of illustrative examples, which are validated through numerical simulations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5723-5751
Number of pages29
JournalIEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Issue number9
Early online date9 Jun 2023
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2023
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 62101234, in part by the Guangdong Province "Pearl River" Young Talent Support Program under Grant 2021QN02X128, and in part by the Shenzhen Science and Technology Program under Grant RCBS20210609103227018 and Grant 20220815100308002.


  • CRB-rate region
  • deterministic-random tradeoff
  • Gaussian channels
  • Integrated sensing and communication
  • subspace tradeoff


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