Poetic Logic and Sensus Communis


Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review


Giambattista Vico first published his masterpiece The New Science in 1725, but it did not receive much attention from the academic world until the middle of the twentieth century. The last fifty years of academic research have witnessed a so-called "linguistic" and "cultural" turn which has revived our interest in this great Italian thinker. Looking at the Vichian scholarship of the recent past, it seems that Vico's theory of poetic wisdom has gained a great deal of recognition and deservedly so, but his concept of sensus communis is yet to be fully appreciated. The present article thus tries to discuss the constructive and imaginative function of language and culture not just through the notion of poetic logic but also in relation to that of common sense, which hopefully can shed some light on the perennial debate over the criterion of truth and aesthetic judgement.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)447-455
Number of pages9
Issue number225
Early online date31 Oct 2018
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2018


  • sensus communis
  • poetic logic
  • metaphor and metaphorization
  • ontological realism
  • The New Science
  • Vico


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