Politics of female subjectivities and the everyday : the case of the Hong Kong feminist journal Nuliu

Shun Hing CHAN

Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Based on selected writings on women's experiences of and reflections on dress and travel published in the Hong Kong feminist journal Nuliu, this paper discusses the politics of female subjectivity in relation to the everyday. The context of the discussion is the changing actualization of the well-known feminist slogan 'the personal is political' within the local feminist movement in Hong Kong between the 1980s and the 1990s. The paper aims to create a new paradigm for analysing agency - the key concept in subject formation - by critiquing the ideology of choice, which is a liberal value system that connects people's imagination with the notion of personal 'liberation'. As demonstrated by the examples of dress and travel, the everyday is a site of both possibilities and conflict for women, who generate new strategies or tactics to negotiate not only with institutions, structures and policies, but also with 'interpellations', 'temporality', 'spatiality', 'performativity', 'symbolism' and 'psyche'.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)36-53
Number of pages18
JournalFeminist Review
Issue number92
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2009


  • Cultural studies
  • Everyday life
  • Feminism
  • Hong Kong
  • Subjectivities
  • The personal is political


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