Profile of a Comparative and International Education Leader: Ka Ho Mok

Weiyan XIONG

Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review

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By “accidentally” entering the field of comparative and international education (CIE) more than two decades ago, Ka Ho Mok has emerged as a leading scholar who continues influencing CIE through his research and practical works. More importantly, viewing himself as a comparative policy study scholar instead of a narrow disciplinary specialist, Ka Ho draws from a wealth of disciplinary backgrounds (e.g., sociology, political science, and public and social policy) in his creative works as well as from his comprehensive understanding of China, East Asia, and the Asia-Pacific region. This profile highlights some of Ka Ho’s significant contributions to CIE and illustrates the growth trajectory of a leading CIE scholar to serve as a role model and inspire others interested in pursuing a career in this field.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)189-202
JournalGlobal Comparative Education: Journal of the World Council of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES)
Issue number1-2
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2021

Bibliographical note

This profile is primarily based on an interview conducted by the author with Ka Ho Mok on 14 March 2019. All uncited quotes in this profile are from this interview.


  • Ka Ho Mok
  • Comparative and International Education
  • Lingnan University
  • Social Policy
  • Higher Education


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