Reduction in right lateralized N2 error response to stroke order violations in poor Chinese word spellers: A study on event-related potential markers for Chinese reading and spelling

Kelvin Fai Hong LUI, Yanyan YE, Catherine MCBRIDE, Li YIN, Chun-Yu TSE*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Stroke order knowledge is critical for Chinese reading and spelling acquisition. Previous studies have demonstrated enhancements of the N2 and P3 event-related potential (ERP) components at the Pz electrode to stroke order violations of Chinese characters in younger adults. However, it remained unclear whether similar ERP responses could be found in children. The current study investigated the ERP responses to stroke order violations of Chinese characters in children and examined the associations of the ERP responses with children’s Chinese reading and spelling performance. A total of 26 Grade 2 Hong Kong Chinese children observed stroke-by-stroke displays of Chinese characters and judged whether the Chinese characters were written in the correct order. The ERP results showed larger anterior N2 and posterior P3 at the midline electrodes to the incorrect strokes than to the correct strokes. In addition, a smaller right lateralized temporal N2 response to the incorrect strokes was found in poor spellers as compared with good spellers of Chinese. The effect of the right lateralized temporal N2 response on reading performance was fully mediated through spelling ability. These results demonstrated increases in the anterior N2 and posterior P3 responses to stroke order violation of Chinese characters in second graders and suggest the right lateralized N2 response as a potential neural marker of Chinese literacy development in children.
Original languageEnglish
Article number105625
JournalJournal of Experimental Child Psychology
Early online date24 Jan 2023
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 The Author(s)


We thank the children and their families for their participation in this study as well as the research assistants for their help in data collection. Special thanks go to Trevor Penney for his comments and suggestions on this project. This work was supported by the General Research Fund (GRF 14654116) awarded to C.M., L.Y., and C.-Y.T. and (GRF 11607322) awarded to C.-Y.T. from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Research Grants Council.


  • EEG
  • Children
  • Reading
  • Spelling
  • ERP
  • N2
  • Chinese
  • Stroke Order


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