Sibling Deprivation

Peter SAUNDERS, Hung WONG, Mun Yu Vera TANG (Presenter)

Research output: Other Conference ContributionsPresentation


It is well known that conventional income-based poverty measures involve assumptions about household income-sharing that effectively prevent the approach from identifying which individuals are poor, only those that live in poor households. In contrast, the consensual approach to deprivation allows deprivation to be identified at the individual level by specifying items that are relevant to the needs of individuals (as well as households). This makes it possible to estimate deprivation at the individual level and to compare
deprivation differences within the household, including between men and women, adults and children, and immediate and extended family members. This paper uses data for Hong Kong from the first two waves (2013 and 2015) of a multi-disciplinary longitudinal survey to explore how the level and forms of child
deprivation vary across households with different numbers of children and between siblings within the same household. Attention focuses on the nature of the sibling deprivation differences and on the characteristics of the siblings and their households where these differences are shown to exist, with a view to better
understanding the underlying causal factors and flow-on consequences. The use of data from two waves of panel data also allows us to examine changes over time cross-sectionally and longitudinally, including among those (very few) survey participants who acquired a sibling between the two surveys, and those where sibling deprivation differences increased. Survey data on different dimensions of well-being will also be used to examine how the presence of siblings affects well-being and whether the differences in sibling deprivation
translate into well-being differences. The paper will conclude with a discussion of the implications of the findings for poverty research and for the design, implementation and evaluation of anti-poverty policies.


ConferenceThe 17th Annual Conference of the East Asian Social Policy Research Network & The 27th Annual Conference of the Foundation for International Studies on Social Security
Country/TerritoryHong Kong
CityHong Kong
Internet address


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