Spatial skills and number skills in preschool children: The moderating role of spatial anxiety

Xiangzi OUYANG, Xiao ZHANG, Qiusi ZHANG

Research output: Other Conference ContributionsPresentation


Spatial ability is a strong and stable predictor of mathematical performance. However, of the three key components of spatial ability, spatial perception and spatial visualization have received less attention than mental rotation in relation to specific mathematical competencies of young children. Even less is known about the role of spatial anxiety in this relationship. This study examined the longitudinal relations of spatial perception and spatial visualization to three number skills (i.e., number line estimation, subitizing, and word problem-solving) among 243 preschool children, and whether these relations varied as a function of spatial anxiety. The results showed that children’s spatial perception and spatial visualization in the third preschool year (T1) were positively associated with their word problem-solving six months later (T2). Children’s spatial perception (T1) was also positively associated with later subitizing and number line skills (T2). Spatial anxiety measured at T1 significantly moderated the relations between spatial visualization and word problem-solving. Specifically, the positive relation between T1 spatial visualization and T2 word problem-solving was stronger for children with moderate levels of spatial anxiety than it was for their peers with high or low levels. In addition, spatial anxiety moderated the relation between spatial perception and subitizing: the relation between the two was stronger for children with low levels of spatial anxiety than it was for those with moderate or high levels. The findings offer valuable insights into how spatial cognition and affect jointly relate to children’s early number skills.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2 Jun 2022
Externally publishedYes
EventThe Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference 2022 - Antwerp, Belgium
Duration: 1 Jun 20223 Jun 2022


ConferenceThe Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference 2022
Abbreviated titleMCLS 2022
Internet address


  • spatial skills
  • word problem-solving
  • subitizing
  • number line estimation
  • spatial anxiety


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