Team effectiveness in China : cooperative conflict for relationship building

Dean William TJOSVOLD, Margaret POON, Ziyou YU

Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review

104 Citations (Scopus)


Groups are increasingly responsible for accomplishing critical, complex tasks for organizations, but understanding and developing effective teamwork have proved difficult. Findings from groups in Chinese enterprises supported recent theorizing that confidence in the group's interpersonal relationships promotes team effectiveness. Results also suggested, in contrast to traditional theorizing about Chinese values, that conflict management was an important foundation for this confidence in relationships. Specifically, the structural equation analysis supported the reasoning that cooperative conflict builds confidence in relationships that, in turn, results H team effectiveness. Results were interpreted as providing support for the universalistic aspirations of the theory of cooperation and competition and that managing conflict cooperatively is a foundation for team effectiveness in China as well as in the West.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)341-367
Number of pages27
JournalHuman Relations
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2005


  • Chinese values
  • competitive conflict
  • cooperative conflict
  • relationships
  • teamwork


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