The application of GIS system in analyzing regional history


Research output: Other Conference ContributionsPresentation


This study is about spatio-temporal analyses of religious establishments in Ming dynasty of China. I will choose several countries of eastern Zhejiang province as samples. By means of comparative analysis, quantitative analysis qualitative analysis and geographical analysis, I will investigate the regular pattern of Buddhism development in eastern Zhejiang province during 1368-1644 and its relationship with the change of social structure.

Specifically speaking, for the comparative study, the objects for analysis are counties of Wenzhou and Taizhou. In terms of quantitative research, the statistical data include the number of temples, tax revenue, population and land. In the aspect of geographical analysis, the topography, rivers, transportation, urban and rural building structures in eastern Zhejiang are mainly investigated. In terms of qualitative research, this research mainly investigates the relationships among central administration, prefectures and counties, supervisory and military systems in the Ming dynasty, and at the same time exploring dynamic interaction of between construction of local Buddhist temple and the different systems, thus observing the relationship between the central and local government.

At the same time, the study will also investigate the influence of social unrest, land system, and reform of taxation on temple construction, so as to analyze the changes of power in the temple field and the relationship among different communities and social structures. In general, in order to ensure the accuracy of the research, this research will combine qualitative research with quantitative research, macroscopic research and case study together.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 17 Apr 2019
EventThe 7th Global Social Sciences Graduate Student Conference : Becoming Agents of Technological Change - Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Duration: 17 Apr 201917 Apr 2019


ConferenceThe 7th Global Social Sciences Graduate Student Conference : Becoming Agents of Technological Change
Country/TerritoryHong Kong
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