The dehumanization of architecture

Research output: Other Conference ContributionsConference Paper (other)Researchpeer-review


Modern buildings do not easily harmonize with other buildings, regardless of whether the latter are themselves modern. This often-observed fact so far has not received a satisfactory explanation. To improve on existing explanations, this paper first generalizes an observation of Ortega Y. Gasset's concerning modern fine art, and then develops a metaphysics of styles that is inspired by work in the philosophy of biology. The resulting explanation is that modern architecture is incapable of developing patterns that facilitate harmonizing, because such patterns would humanize buildings, while modern architecture is a homeostatic property cluster with a dehumanizing motive at its core.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 4 Jul 2021
Event5th Biennial ISPA Conference 2021: The public space and the real ideal - Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
Duration: 2 Jul 20215 Jul 2021


Conference5th Biennial ISPA Conference 2021
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