
Translated title of the contribution: The Economic Legacies of the Anti-Japanese War : State Capacity, Economic Transition and Development

李飞跃, 张冬, 刘明兴

Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review


中国共产党在抗日战争中发展壮大,锻造出强大的执政能力,那么抗日战争是否通过提高新中国的国家能力进而促进经济转型和发展呢? 我们发现抗日战争能够对新中国的国家能力、经济转型和发展产生系统性影响:在抗日战争时期建立中共县委多的地区,在 1967—1986 年间政府中本地干部的比例高,政府的规模小,政府支出偏向于公共品,非国有经济的比重高。本文构建理论模型阐释作用机制,认为抗战经历赋予了基层政府与组织较强的治理能力,新中国的国家治理因而兼具中央和地方两个积极性。这种国家治理格局有助于地方基层政府与组织在基层治理中发挥重要作用,使得经济政策更加符合各地区的实际情况,与群众的根本利益更加一致,为经济的转型与发展创造了有利条件。
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) managed to develop strong governing capacity and eventually flourished during the Anti-Japanese War.What were the economic consequences of the Anti-Japanese War? We find that regions with more CCP county committees during the Anti-Japanese War tends to be governed by more local cadres,provide more public goods, have smaller governments and larger non-state economic sector. We argue that the Anti Japanese War leads to strong governing capacity of local governments, which makes it possible for local governments to implement economic policies that are responsive to local conditions and in accordance of the interests of ordinary people.
Translated title of the contributionThe Economic Legacies of the Anti-Japanese War : State Capacity, Economic Transition and Development
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)76-103
Number of pages28
Journal南开经济研究 = Nankai Economic Studies
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2019

Bibliographical note

本研究得到中国特色社会主义经济建设协同创新中心资助,国家自然科学基金会面上项目(71273012)、国家自然科学专项基金项目(71350002)的资助。感谢徐现祥、陆铭、张牧杨、梁平汉、杜创、黄玖立、王永进、许建明、高原、赵文哲的有益评论及建议,感谢第二届大宏观论坛、第四届组织经济学会会议、2016 年中国青年经济学家联谊会、中国社科院公共政策研究中心、天则双周论坛其他与会者的评论。


  • 抗日战争
  • 国家能力
  • 经济转型
  • 经济发展
  • The anti-Japanese War
  • State Capacity
  • Economic Transition
  • Economic Development


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